Monday, May 20, 2019

Reckless ... A short film with strong content...


Director: Bjørn Erik Pihlmann Sørensen
IMDB link = (6.9/10)

Reckless is one of the best movies I have ever watched. It is a short film. The run time is around 20 minutes. In fact, I don’t usually watch short films. But I am really glad that I watched it. The film is pretty damn good. It is not because it contains some almost explicit nude footages which reveals everything of a beautiful and young girl; but because of the very strong and emotional story it contains. The massage, this film delivers is very very strong. And it is sad and totally shocking.

The story is about a boy who is left alone in the home for a day with his sister. Sister is also a teenager and obviously she is not matured enough to take the responsibility of this young boy. On the other hand, the sister has strong feelings toward young boys. It is not her fault but the action of hormones produce by her young body.

She meets two attractive young boys at a swimming pool and following her signals the boys come to pay the sister a visit. The little boy is the only problem they have. So, the sister ask him to o to the market and buy some ice-creams for all of them. While the little boy away, the sister let these strange young boys to have a threesome with her. In the meantime, the little boy who is as innocent as a little rabbit, buying ice-creams for the three lovers and for him.

On the way home, the little boy is hit by a car. He is so innocent and still want just to return home and give ice-creams to his sister and her two lovers. He is badly hurt yet he stood up and walk.
Inside the house, the little boy find out his sisters misbehave. He does not interrupt. The fact is he is too weak to do anything. He just sit on a chair and next moment he collapsed. An ice-cream, which he tries to taste is also in the grasp of his little hand. This is the most sensitive scene of this film. His eyes are closed and we see little blood streams are coming from his nose and the ears. It is an obvious sign that his head is injured internally. He will not open his eyes ever again.

It is so sad. It is totally capable of touching deepest feelings of your heart as well. So, whose fault is it? Who is responsible? His parents who are reckless enough to keep him under a young sister who is not matured enough? Or is it the fault of young reckless sister who is not paying enough attention towards her brother? Or is it the fault of reckless driver who hit the boy and then not taking enough actions to make sure the boy is properly treated? Or is the fault of all of them? I don’t know. But make sure you are not that reckless. Otherwise, you might lose someone you love because of your recklessness. 


RECKLESS - TRAILER from Bjorn Erik Pihlmann on Vimeo.

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