Sunday, March 24, 2019

7 myths about penis size!!

Penis is one of the most important parts of a male body. It is mulriporpose and I am not here to discuss about it. But I am going to let you know some interesting facts about the size of a penis.

  • the average size of an erection

Some belives that the average size of an erect penis is 8inches. But studies have shown that the average size of an errect human penis is only 5.5 inches to 6.2 inches long.

  • Measuring the size of a penis

Some says that the shoe size and/or hand size predict the penis size. Both these stories are myths.

  • Penis enlargement

There are no pills or locally aplicable creams to enlare a penis. The only effective option is a surgery but no other way.

  • Bigger is better

This is a myth too. There are no evidance to prove that the size of a penis effect the sexual pleasure. In fact most women prefer an average sized penis. But the size may effect the confident level of a person.

  • Women are easily satisfied with a larger penis

This too is a myth. The fact is that women does not feel more than few centimeters of a penis. Most of veginal nerve endings are located close to the opening of a vegina.

  • Black men have biger penises.

There is no evidence to prove that there is a conection between the race and the size of a penis. In every race there are men with diferent size penises.

  • The size of the errecion can be predicted by the size of one's flaccid penis

This is also one of those penis related  popular myths. The relationship between the size of a flaccid penis and the size of a errect penis is unique to each individual.

So, don't be worried about the size of your errection or your penis size. Still, you can satisfy as much as women as you like using your sex related techniques. Insted of worring about the size try and improve those skills!!

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