Compulsion 2016 - A story of a girlfriend who cheats...
Compulsion is a masterpiece of a film. It contains some serious nude materials but nudity is not the only plus point about this film. Actually the original name of this film is not exactly the Compulsion; it was Sadie. sadie is also the name of the main femail charactor of the film. She is also the most exposed charactor of the film.
She is a erotic novelist. While on a book tour to Europe she meets her former lover and fall in love with him for the second time. She leaves her current lover for this new found old love. This ex-lover is with a lovely lady and Sadie begins a love affair (and sex affair) with her as well. This ex-lover is also a leader of a very piculier cult. They have very special sex parties in almost every night and at the end their parties they also sacrifice a man or a women for pure pleasure.
Sadie traps in their castle. She tries to escape. But not before her current lover get his throat cut by this dangerous cult right infront of her.
Compulsion/Sadie is definitely a film you should watch if you are a fan of quality films. It is catogorized under the horror, fantasy and drama section by many film review sites. But it is also a romance or erotic film according to my calculation. On the other hand it is not even closely a horror film. There are some bloody sceneses but they are not deep enough to become a part of a horror.
If you need more info about this film checkout below links.
check out hottest (naked) moments of the film @
Compulsion (2016) hottest moments...