Tuesday, October 31, 2017

TRANCE; A film you should watch.


Director =  Danny Boyle 

IMDb rank = 6.9

Trance is a 2013 Hollywood film, which is about a art dealer, a hypnotherapist and a group of criminals and how their lives intertwined.

Basically, this is a psycho-thriller movie with lots of action. The story of this film is different from many other action-packed movies we see every day. You cannot guess the end, or what is going to happen next, even if you are an film expert. The film is simply full of suspense and dangerous secrets. The most disturbing secrets are kept well hidden until the very last moment of the film. 

Non of the characters of this film are pure black or white. When the story progress, you will feel even the toughest criminals have a soft side and professionals who are supposed to be tender are not entirely so and have darker sides even darker than dangerous criminals. 

So the first reason to watch this film is the extremely interesting story.

The next reason is the sequences of extreme actions. 

This film has a very talented cast. Actors and actresses are quite talented. They ready do well in this film.  James McAvoy, Rosario Dawson andVincent Cassel are playing the main characters. These three have already proven their ability in this field. So, it is always a pleasure watching a film with a talented cast. This cast is the next most important reason to watch this film. 

Another reason is the very famous nude scene where the leading actress, Rosario Dawson walk totally naked while showing off her perfectly shaved vagina. In fact, it is one of the best display of that special set of lips in a mainstream Hollywood film. This is also one of the most discussed movie scenes in the year 2017. Many people loved it.

The famous nude scene; the video.

The trailer 

Saturday, October 7, 2017

Levottomat 3 AKA addiction - one of the best sex addiction film in Europe cinema

Jonna is a happily married woman. She is also a successful career woman. Her life is so complete; at least that is how it seems. But there is a very dark secret in her life. She is a sex addict who seek pleasure from strangers other than her loving husband. She is obsessed with  sex. She cannot control the desire to have sex with other men. Her happy husband does not know anything about her secret side. She is trying so desperate to terminate her addiction. But she was unable to do it until her good life collapses with everyone and everything within it.

This amazing film contains lots and lots of nude scenes which are showing the main actress having sex with different partners. These scenes are highly detailed but not explicit. In the end it does not deliver pleasure to its viewers but sorrow.

The actress is totally gorgeous. It is so lovely to watch her acting naked in front of us. But the inner story is something we must deeply take into our consideration. Pleasure is good but too much of it is a real sickness which need immediate medical attention. On the other hand, one cannot have a perfect family life if he/she have other priorities in their minds.

The husband of the leading character is a very lovely person. He take care of every need of the family except for his wives sexual needs. Her desperation Leeds her to an addiction which is also a point of no return. So, a good family life depends on many facts. Providing family needs means covering all aspects. It includes all kinds of basic human needs. Sexual needs are also included there. If a part of the family goes astray it is hard to get it fixed. 

Some screen caps....

Hottest scenes of the movie...